"Aruba is an island and a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the southern Caribbean Sea. Aruba has one of the highest standards of living in the Caribbean region. There is a low unemployment rate.

The GDP per capita for Aruba was estimated to be $28,924 in 2014; among the highest in the Caribbean and the Americas. Its main trading partners are Colombia, the United States, Venezuela, and the Netherlands.

The island's economy has been dominated by three main industries: tourism, aloe export, and petroleum refining (The Lago Oil and Transport Company and the Arend Petroleum Maatschappij Shell Co.). Before the "Status Aparte" (a separate completely autonomous country/state within the Kingdom), oil processing was the dominant industry in Aruba despite expansion of the tourism sector. Today, the influence of the oil processing business is minimal[further explanation needed]. The size of the agriculture and manufacturing sectors also remains minimal. Aloe was introduce to Aruba in 1840 but did not become a big export till 1890. Cornelius Eman founded Aruba Aloe Balm and the industry had become very important to the economy. At one point two thirds of the island was covered in Aloe Vera fields and the first plantation covered 150 acres and it is still used today at 127 years old. Aruba had become the largest exporter of aloe in the world, also because of Aruba's climate and dry soil the aloe plants flourished and the aloin content was twenty two percent while the aloin content in the rest of the world was only as high as fifteen percent (arubablog.net) From this Aruba now has its own line of aloe and that contains skin care products, deodorant, sun care, shower and hair products (Aruba aloe)." - Wikipeida.

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