Seamless Integration: Setting Up Your Web Server for Delivery Reports with


Navigating the realms of SMS marketing demands a robust infrastructure that can adeptly handle delivery reports. At, we prioritize simplifying this journey for you. Here’s a streamlined guide to setting up your web server to seamlessly receive delivery reports, ensuring your SMS campaigns are not just sent but delivered successfully.



Suppose your web server domain is Whenever an HTTP request is sent to, this specific route gets invoked. This route will act as the URL parameter when sending SMS via the Message API on


Steps to Embrace a Seamless Setup:

1. Craft Your Delivery Report Page:

  • Begin by creating a text file to house the code for handling delivery reports.
  • Save this text file as 'delivery_report.asp'.

2. Tailor Your Delivery Report:

  • Customize the delivery report by including the parameters pertinent to your SMS campaign.
  • Our platform's versatility allows you to tailor your delivery report to cater to your unique needs.

3. SQL Integration:

  • Utilize the sample ASP code provided below to perform an SQL insertion, ensuring the Delivery Report data along with the status are accurately saved on the SQL database.


Pointers to Note:

  1. The route for ASP should be
  2. Should there be a scenario where your web server is down or technical glitches surface, fret not. We have engineered a retry mechanism that will continue to send you the DLR data at intervals of 10 minutes until successful delivery.


ASP Sample Code:


If trim (request. Form ("mno")) <>"" then

Set Con= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Con.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=smsexample;Data Source; Password=yourdbpassword"


'Get DLR post data

'Insert DLR information


  sSQL =  "INSERT INTO dlr(sender,sMobileNo,sStatus,sMessageId,dtDone,dtSubmit) VALUES('" & _

request.form("sid") & "','" & request.form("mno") & "','" & request.form("status") & "','" & request.form("msgid") & "','" & request.form("date") & "','" & request.form("date") & "') "

         sSQL = sSQL & "END"

       Set rs = con.Execute(sSQL)

              If rs(0) = "Some Error!" Then



                      ‘DLR been inserted in the DB

              End If



 End if



Sample Output:

Sid: 1111111111,  Mno: 3333333333, Status: delivered, Msgid: 201712261340650311013 Date: 26/12/2017 11:51:37




Your Tech Companion: stands as a tech companion in your SMS marketing voyage, making the technical terrain feel like a walk in the park. The setup outlined above is engineered to minimize technical hurdles, ensuring you remain focused on crafting impactful SMS campaigns.

Further Assistance:

Should you encounter any technical roadblocks or need further clarification, our seasoned support team is on standby 24/7 to assist. Your success in SMS marketing is a shared vision, and at, we are dedicated to providing the tools and support you need to achieve it.